After toying with the idea of doing the overnight news watch way back last April, I have decided to revive the concept but instead of focusing strictly on news, I have gravitated towards what is in the blogosphere for the day! So here are some highlights.
- Great news for all you comic nuts, Chicago has landed the 2010 Comic book convention. Read more about it here.
- There is an excellent post at the Chicago Daily Observer about the hypocrisy that is stiffling our Illinois goverment.
- At the Director Blue blog, blogger Doug Ross talks about Bobby Rush and what he can (or cannot) do to help lower crime in our city.
- Vince Vaughn is back in town to film a new romantic comedy. Go figure.
- A pretty interesting post for those who are intersted in web media and marketing, Arturo Trovata talks about Chicago cab drivers and compare them to techniques used for web marketing. Pretty interesting stuff.
- And how could another day go by without discussing Vinny Del Negro and the bad job he has been doing with the Bulls. Slam magazine says its the assistant coaches fault the team is underperforming. Well, maybe they haven’t been watching the games there over at Slam.
Those are some of the interesting posts floating around the blogosphere this fine morning!