Chicago in the Blogs: February 9th, 2009

Hope you enjoyed your Sunday off as much as I did. This thaw has raised spirits that the winter will be over soon rather than later. I understand that is rather short-sighted, but you cannot blame me for trying! Here are some choice blogs and news postings for today, Monday February 9th, 2009.

Richard Roeper has a pretty funny blog post about tongue studs. I knew I wasn’t the only person who disliked them.

Wilco is releasing a new DVD, Jeff Tweedy spoke about it to

Chicago wants the Olympics, but not if tax money is used.

When the blogosphere is threatened, people take notice. Check out this post from the Jawa Report.

Tom Skilling talks about the thaw and what records could fall on the weather blog at the Trib.

That is what is going on so far today, be good!

65,000 gallons of oil spill in the the Des Plaines River. Sounds like a fun clean up.

All the records from Holy Name Cathedral survived the fire, and that is good news for those tracing back family trees.

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