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Global Warming? Really?

Stupidest Person of the Year Award:

According to the Chicago Sun-Times, Drew Peterson’s new fiancee moved in to his Bolingbrook home, and according to the report, ‘they plan on getting married.’

I mean, sure, one of his former wives suspiciously died and another one has disappeared, but why not?

She is probably the safest woman in America with all the scrutiny that is placed on Peterson. Stupid? Sure! But safe none the less.

Until he moves to somewhere a little more, uhm, private.

I’m just sayin’

Global Warming is a Myth:

This winter is on pace to come close to the amount of snow we had last winter, which was the 2nd snowiest winter on record in Chicago. I cannot leave the house without making sure there isn’t another winter weather advisory. My hands are permanently frozen from the amount of time I spend scraping ice of windshields and brushing snow off windows.

Meanwhile, the polar ice caps are melting at the fastest rate in thousands of years.

Is there something we can do to bring some of that melting power towards Chicago?

I’m just sayin’

Blago the Poet:

It might be just me, but isn’t this whole Blagojevich quoting poetry thing getting a little out of hand? Nothing like reaching the average Illinois resident but quoting some 19th century poetry. Really Blago? The only thing worse than an idiot who revels in their 15 minutes of ill-gotten fame is when that idiot runs your state.

Speaking of Blago, this week on Saturday Night Live the opening skit was another slam on Blago and Burris. I liked it better when they made fun of people who didn’t run my state.

Show Me The Money!

After spending an hour in a stinky cab this past week, I had the same thought I know many more people have had.

When will Cash Cab come to Chicago?

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