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How To Make Money – Definitive Resources?

When I first started investigating on how I can make money blogging, I was shoved in 20 different directions. After weeding through the garbage, I have compiled a list of what I feel are some of the best resources on the subject. After just two weeks of promoting and working these new blogs, most of the techniques I have learned on the following sites have proven accurate and trustworthy:

Pro Blogger – Darren Rowse is single handedly the most influential of the professional bloggers, at least in my opinion. His website is loaded with all kinds of important information you need to start a successful blog. I read his website for about an hour a day, everyday. I am sure that will change in time, but for now, I am learning by absorbing.

Blogging Experiment – Ben Cook had an idea. Take a blog from making zero dollars and have it earning him a full-time income within one year. His journey is quite interesting. I read his blog daily. Not only is he a shameless self-promoter and occasionally gets on your nerves, he has some great ideas on how to make money using blogs and isn’t afraid to push it as far as possible to get the results. He is a rockstar. Here is an example of why to love or hate him.

Yaro Starak is a professional blogger that released a great and FREE e-book on how to make money blogging. A lot of the information in this e-book can be applied to your blog right away to help increase your profits. If there was one single resource I learned the most from, it was his e-book.

WebKEW – Marshall Brain founded How Stuff Works dot com year ago, and shares most of his monetization secrets on this blog. It is rarely updated now, but the information is still relevant. This was the first blog I stumbled on when I decided to make a run at this whole blog concept.

As I said, there are 9 million other resources, places to go, things to read, and tricks to try. I spent nearly 6 months researching and I have found those 4 sites influenced me the most!