Roeper on Unfunny Harry Caray Ads,CST-NWS-roep03.article

Roeper goes on to discuss those ridiculous AT&T Harry Caray commericials. He raises some excellent points about how people have no issues with Frank Caliendo impersonating the president on a commercial but people are all up in arms about the AT&T Ad Spots.

The first time I saw the commercial it struck me as odd. I don’t think the impersonation is really that amazing to begin with, but Will Farrell’s imitation wasn’t that good either. The problem with the ads is they are not funny in any way. They remind of those McDonalds commercials in the 90’s where a ‘typical’ Chicago person spout s ridiculous catch-phrases in a horrible ‘Chicago’ accent. My favorite one had to be ‘blinker boy has had his blinker on all the way from Keynoshaaaa’. They were bad. These are worse.

Actually, come to think of it, the same guy did both.

The comedian, John Caponero, is a pretty funny guy. I saw his standup routine 5 years back.  Maybe he just has bad luck?

But the commercials led me to another thought. How come the Harry Caray imitations are always so bad? He did have a tendancy to ramble on an on, but as soon as Will Farrell did it every single person started bobbing their head and over-acting the voice.

Here is nice clip of Harry doing what he did best, calling a game and rambling on about nothing. Notice the voice really doesn’t sound much like the 40,000 impressions of him on YouTube.

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