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Senate Seat: Appointment Incomplete

Gov. Rod Blagojevich, D-Ill., appointed former state official Roland Burris, D-Ill., as the new senator on Tuesday amid allegations of negotiating to sell President-Elect Barack Obama’s seat. Burris held a brief news conference at Chicago’s Midway Int’l Airport Monday afternoon before his departure for D.C., maintaining that the Governor’s actions are within the law–and that despite the controversy, his appointment is legitimate.

“We’re looking forward to serving our 13 million people with all of the crises that we have in this state and in this nation,” he told reporters. “Illinois needs to have a full compliment of representation and that is what I am seeking to do. I am hoping and praying that I will be seated.”

Impeachment debates have begun in reaction to Blagojevich’s Dec. 9 arrest on federal charges of conspiracy and bribery, and national leaders have called for him to step down. Burris, 71, a former attorney general and comptroller, now faces simultaneous obligations Wednesday–to be in Washington, D.C. for the Senate swearing-in ceremony, and to be in IL for his court subpoena in the Blagojevich case. He maintained that he will manage it: “I am the ‘magic man,'” he said, saying he’s planning to travel back to Springfield on Thursday after attending the swearing-in ceremony.

“I’m a United States senator,” Burris said. “[Law officials] cannot stop me from doing my Senatorial duties…what has been done here is legal.”

Since Blagojevich, who maintains his innocence, is still in office and performing his duties as governor, this is true. The issue, however, is that Secretary of State Jesse White, D-Ill., has not approved Burris’ appointment letter, and White’s signature is required for the appointment to be valid. In fact, no Senate Democrats have said they would support any appointment made by the governor due to the alleged scandals.

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said, “Roland Burris is welcome to come up to my office, if he wants to be there, to witness what’s going on at the chamber, but he doesn’t have the legal right to the floor of the Senate.” Sen. Harry Reid, Senate Democratic leader, also emphasized Burris’ lack of complete Illinois certification.

When asked what he would do if he was turned away at the swearing-in ceremony: “I am the senator…my lawyers will take it from there.”

And the Official Illinois Circus continues…they’ll be here all year, folks!