At Problogger, Darren posted a pretty good article relating to how he uses social media sites to help build his business. [ read post ]. Without getting too heavy in to the article, it basically describes how he uses social media to drive traffic back towards his blog, and a beneficial byproduct of this have been mini communities starting up within these social media outlets.

It got me thinking about the last 5 years of social media networking and how I have applied them towards building my music career, and more recently, my web businesses. Social media is a confusing and ever-changing monster. The first time I saw the benefit from social media was when my band was playing Iowa City in 2003. We needed a way to reach out to people in that area. The website had a huge buzz, so we created some profiles and started sending messages to college age people in Iowa City.

We were shocked to see that several of the people we messaged showed up at the venue.

This was 2003 and before MySpace changed the game. But the principals worked then and they work now.  If you have something to offer that is of quality, taking time to promote and reach out will do nothing but benefit and grow your business. In the online world, that involves building quality social media profiles. Many people neglect this part of the process. They never participate in communities, and never follow through with the people they have met through social media. Quickly, the people who took interest in you will disappear and you will be left with a nearly dormant blog and dormant social media profiles.

If you take the time to update your profile and nurture your mini communities, you will see the traffic continue to build to your website as those people spread your profiles and links around the web.

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