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Turning Away From Profit. One Bloggers Tale.

While sifting through countless blog postings, I stumbled upon this posting from The Simple Dollar.

This gist of the post is he decided to remove all Google Adsense ads from his site, even thought it was making him a lot of money.

As I sane person, I needed to read further because his website ranks high on Alexa, garners lots of interest, and has a lot of clout and respect. Why would someone turn away from hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars a month in website revenue?

His reason? So simple it hurts.

Google doesn’t let you control who places ads on your site. He didn’t want to be associated with some of the companies that were bidding to be placed on his website. Being a financial website, most of the ads were from less-than-reputable sources, and he wants to continue to be known as a reliable source for information.

He wins the gold star for standing up to his belief and proves a good point in the process.

No matter what your reason for blogging, whether it is for profit or for information, stick to your original believe.

He stood up for his original belief.

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