This week I will be reviewing Prosense. Prosense was designed jointly by Maki from Dosh Dosh and Dan over at the Wrong Advices. This blog was originally on this theme until I decided I wanted something a little more professional. I still run Prosense on one of my other blogs. Prosense accomplishes what its designers intended. It is a straight forward theme with decent ad blending while allowing the maximum amount of space to be dedicated to the ads. Judging by the name, you could guess that it is specifically geared toward Google AdSense ads, which as you know, may or may not be your preferable choice of monetizing. It has nice steamlined look, and a slick RSS feed icon in the top right to encourage subscribtion. It comes in simple gray and blue color schemes, but if you have a little knowledge of coding, you could easy change the scheme to your personal preference. Prosense is free, and can be downloaded directly from Dosh Dosh or the Wrong Advices.

Personally, The theme didn’t really cut it for me on THIS blog. That is not to say it doesn’t work for certain content sites and blogs. Everytime I see a blog using Prosense now, I immediately think that the only purpose of the blog is to make money online, and nothing else. This is partially due to how popular the theme became with the ‘blog-in-a-can’ bloggers who set up 300 content blogs hoping to luck out when people accidentally click on an AdSense ad. The coding is clean enough, and if you take time to modify it to you liking, you can customize this theme to look less like a generic blog site.

I still use Prosense on one of my picture oriented blogs, mainly because it does a nice job of ad blending and providing maximum amount of surface space.

Prosense has become a product of its own success. Every half-wit and wannabe blogger can now easily set up a blog with the soul purpose of making a dollar. Prosense helped make this happen. These blogs now clutter the internet, but that really isn’t really the fault of the designers. I am sure there are many fine blogs that use modified versions of this theme, I just haven’t seen them yet.

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